Home Malware Programs Ransomware Policia Nacional De Uruguay Virus

Policia Nacional De Uruguay Virus

Posted: March 13, 2013

Threat Metric

Ranking: 11,570
Threat Level: 1/10
Infected PCs: 215
First Seen: March 13, 2013
Last Seen: October 8, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Policia Nacional de Uruguay virus is a member of the Urausy family, a family of Police Ransomware Trojans that specialize in delivering fake legal warnings that are customized to target specific countries. When the Policia Nacional de Uruguay virus blocks your desktop with its unremovable pop-up, the Policia Nacional de Uruguay virus claims to do so on behalf of Uruguay's police force for the sake of preventing you from using your PC for file-downloading crimes – of which you supposedly already have been confirmed to be guilty of committing. Appearances aside, there's nothing that's remotely legal about a Policia Nacional de Uruguay virus, and SpywareRemove.com malware analysts certainly don't recommend paying its fraudulent fine. However, they do encourage you to use anti-malware software and basic security techniques to terminate and delete the Policia Nacional de Uruguay virus for free.

The Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus: Scoping Out New Territory for Scams

Although South America has been a significant focus of banking Trojan-related attacks, only recently have many popular Police Trojans and other forms of ransomware, like the Policia Nacional de Uruguay, turned their eyes to that continent. Like Policia Federal Argentina (PFA) Ransomware, Policia Boliviana Ransomware and Ministerio de Seguridad Ransomware, the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus displays a regionally-appropriate legal alert for its victims, including usage of Spanish and Uraguay's coat-of-arms.

However, in all other details, SpywareRemove.com malware experts have found the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus to be identical to related Police Trojans, including Ministerstvo Vnútra Virus, the Malta Police Association Virus Policie České Republiky Ransomware, Polizia Penitenziaria Ransomware, the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus, Rikspolisstyrelsen Ransomware, the United Kingdom Police Ukash Virus and Cheshire Police Authority Ransomware.

Legal alerts from the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus claim to lock your PC on the basis of it having been used for illegal file-downloading crimes and similar Internet-based issues, but the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus doesn't try to detect such crimes and always will attack your computer if possible, heedless of the details of your real online history. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers place particular stress on the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus being unable to punish you for failing to pay its one hundred USD ransom that seemingly is the most obvious means of unlocking your PC.

Kicking the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus Off the Force

Since the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus is a scamware program that isn't linked to Uruguayan police or any other government entity, you should disregard all of its legal threats and work towards removing the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus as soon as you see its pop-up warning. In general, SpywareRemove.com malware experts suggest disabling the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus's pop-up before you remove the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus; doing so will allow you to access any other programs that can be used to disinfect your computer.

Disabling the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus may be possible just by rebooting in Safe Mode, but if this fails to block the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus, you also can consider loading an operating system from any peripheral hard drive. Despite the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus's various threats, deleting the Policia Nacional de Uruguay Virus with appropriate security software shouldn't cause any long term harm to either you or your PC.

Technical Details

Additional Information

The following messages's were detected:
# Message
1Policia Nacional de Uruguay
¡ATENCION! Su OP (ordenador) esta bloqueado debido a al menos una de las razones especificadas siguientes.
Usted ha violado "el derecho de autor y los derechos conexos" (video, musica, software) y ha utilizado de una manera illegal con la distribuciOn de contenido los derechos de autor, infringiendo asi el articulo 128 del Criminal Code de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay.
Las multas deben solamente ser pagodas durante 72 horas después de la infracciOn. Tan pronto como 72 horas transcurren, su posibilidad de pagar la multa sera expirada, asi, un proceso penal sera automaticamente iniciado en su contra durante las prOximas 72 horas!
El importe de la multa es de UYU $2,000 (Peso) o USD $100 (US DOlar).
Usted puede pagar esta multa por Ukash.
