Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers ‘Scaninfor.info’ Pop-Ups

‘Scaninfor.info’ Pop-Ups

Posted: August 3, 2015

Scaninfor.info is a suspicious domain name used to host some pop-ups, alerts and fake messages whose goal is to convince affected users that their computer might be infected with a malicious cyber threat. The home page of Scaninfor.info displays a fake blue screen of death that alerts the user of a critical system error and advises them to call a professional tech support team for assistance. Furthermore, the web page may display pop-ups that promote the 1-855-720-2636 phone number that is known as being associated with a popular online tech support scam.

Users might not have to visit the Scaninfor.info website to see the pop-ups hosted there. Adware or other cyber threats may force the user's web browser to display the Scaninfor.info pop-ups, so seeing Scaninfor.info pop-ups is certainly a sign that your computer's security might have been compromised. Under any circumstances don't call the phone desk number displayed on the Scaninfor.info pop-ups because this won't help you at all! In fact, communicating with the scammers might give them an opportunity to steal your personal information, credit card details, or attempt to perform other harmful actions. The Scaninfor.info pop-ups may also include voice messages that inform the user that their computer's health might be at risk. It is safe to say that the authors of Scaninfor.info have taken advantage of a broad range of scare tactics to increase their chances of luring users to their blatant scam. Thankfully, the word about fraudulent websites like Scaninfor.info spreads quickly, and antivirus product vendors may already be blocking users' access to this scam.
