Home Rogue Websites Tech-ava-soft.org


Posted: March 20, 2013

Tech-ava-soft Screenshot 1Tech-ava-soft.org is a malicious website that's given over to promotional efforts for AVASoft Professional Antivirus, a rogue anti-malware program from the Winwebsec family. Unlike legitimate anti-malware scanners, Tech-ava-soft.org's product can't find malware or remove it from your computer, but displays inaccurate alarms and system scans to make it seem otherwise. Visiting Tech-ava-soft.org risks infecting your PC with AVASoft Professional Antivirus by means of drive-by-download exploits, but most PC users only will see Tech-ava-soft.org after they're redirected to Tech-ava-soft.org in the course of an ongoing series of attacks from AVASoft Professional Antivirus. If your computer has had any fleeting contact with Tech-ava-soft.org or is showing signs of an AVASoft Professional Antivirus Infection, SpywareRemove.com malware experts strongly advise you to use an actual anti-malware product to remove Tech-ava-soft.org's scamware from your PC.

Tech-ava-soft.org: the Worst Tech Support You're Likely to See

Tech-ava-soft.org claims to market the 'powerful antispyware solution' of AVASoft Professional Antivirus, which, on a first look, seems to be a security program that's capable of detecting and removing most types of malicious software. However, the truth of AVASoft Professional Antivirus software is that AVASoft Professional Antivirus doesn't have any type of legitimate security features and can only, at best, generate convincing-looking but fraudulent system warnings about nonexistent attacks against your PC.

SpywareRemove.com malware researchers also have noted some other functions included in Tech-ava-soft.org's fake anti-spyware program. These functions can compromise the safety of your computer, as well as lend credibility to AVASoft Professional Antivirus's claims of your PC being attacked by various types of malware. The most meaningful of these attacks consist of:

  • Browser redirects (to Tech-ava-soft.org and away from safe websites).
  • Disabled security features such as the UAC for Windows.
  • Programs being blocked without your permission. AVASoft Professional Antivirus normally will block most applications besides your browser and those that are central to running Windows.

Don't Go Soft on the Tech-ava-soft.org Peril

Purchasing software from Tech-ava-soft.org never should be considered a way to solve the above problems, and SpywareRemove.com malware researchers warn that any confidential information that's given to Tech-ava-soft.org or AVASoft Professional Antivirus should be considered to be, effectively, in criminal possession. The same warnings also pertain to PC threats related to scamware from the same family (the Winwebsec classification) of Tech-ava-soft.org's scamware program. Other members include Disk Antivirus Professional, System Progressive Protection, the Fake MS Removal Tool, Live Security Platinum, Essential Cleaner, Winweb Security, Smart Fortress 2012 and Win 8 Security System.

If your computer's suffered from an infection that's related to Tech-ava-soft.org, suitable anti-malware applications should be used immediately. If you experience problems with accessing these programs, SpywareRemove.com malware research team recommends that you boot your computer from an uninfected source, such as the ubiquitous USB drive. By disabling all malware, including AVASoft Professional Antivirus, in this fashion, you should be able to use your PC as usual and disinfect it without any other problems.
