Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers ‘Chrome-wx.updaternow.xyz’ Pop-Ups

‘Chrome-wx.updaternow.xyz’ Pop-Ups

Posted: July 28, 2015

Chrome-wx.updaternow.xyz is a dangerous site that encourages its visitors to install rogue browser updates. Every webpage you visit receives some information about your system, including the type of Internet client you use. This fact explains why the offered update by chrome-wx.updaternow.xyz accurately responds to your current web platform. In any case, the unsafe site states that the version of your browser is 11, and there is a newer version available. You should not agree to download the suggested software as it is very likely the results on your PC to be pretty negative. The main tool is concealed in a series of archives, which gives all the reasons to assume it is not legitimate. If you install the update, you may give access to some Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) or even cyber threats. It is worth mentioning that the visitors of chrome-wx.updaternow.xyz usually don't type this URL manually in the address bar. In fact, some of them report that the dangerous webpage has replaced their default homepage without authorization. This behavior can only be explained by the presence of a browser hijacker. These potentially harmful add-ons enter inconspicuously, for example as additions to freeware. After that, they become an integral part of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. If you wish to delete the hijacker behind chrome-wx.updaternow.xyz and stop the automatic redirections, you should check your system with a professional security application.
