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'Error 3x3103fx' Pop-Ups

Posted: June 15, 2017

The Internet may be used by con artists to spread their fraudulent software and websites, which aim to trick people into sending their money to the anonymous crooks knowingly. One of the most popular tactics being run online involves the use of fraudulent pop-ups, which tell users that their computers have been infected with spyware and they need to take action immediately, or they might be at risk of losing their files or exposing their information to cyber crooks. This is the case with the 'Error 3x3103fx' pop-ups, which are misleading messages that may appear in your Web browser when you visit low-quality websites whose owners are paid to distribute these fraudulent ads and pop-ups.

Often, the 'Error 3x3103fx' pop-ups may be displayed in a new tab on top of a page, which is meant to look like a legitimate error screen. It is not uncommon for the con artists to adopt the classic Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) design, or borrow the design features of the new Windows 10 error screens. The 'Error 3x3103fx' pop-ups may often impair the users' Web browser by preventing them from accessing other tabs on pages. Often, the only way out of the situation is to restart the Web browsing client entirely.

The 'Error 3x3103fx' pop-ups tell users that spyware/riskware has been detected on their computers and their data, e-mails, bank account details, and other information may be exposed to cyber crooks unless they take action immediately. The potential victims are warned that they have just several minutes to act before the inevitable happens to their files. The instruction on the message is to call a technical support hotline, which is supposed to get users in contact with certified computer support experts. However, the phone displayed in the pop-ups (4388-506-2142) is not related to a reputable provider of technical support services and, in fact, many users online state that this phone number is linked to a long list of technical support tactics. Users who fall for the cheap tricks of the con artists may end up being told that they must purchase software or services that cost well above a hundred dollars. Remember to never trust 'support agents' like the ones linked to 4388-506-2142, especially if you were exposed to them via suspicious browser messages like the ones used by these pop-ups.
