Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Getsystem.info


Posted: May 28, 2015

Getsystem.info is a phishing website used to collect information or compromise your computer's security. Although Getsystem.info does not currently host threatening scripts or other, advanced attacks that could trigger automatically, Getsystem.info may mislead readers into performing actions that may harm their systems, such as contacting a fraudulent PC repair company. PCs that create automatic Getsystem.info pop-ups should receive scans from anti-malware tools capable of removing browser-modifying threats, and malware researchers would encourage you to avoid giving any information away to individuals linked to this site.

How Con Artists may get You with Getsystem.info

Phishing sites may use a multitude of different tactics for tricking their victims into providing information or remote control over their computers. However, fraudulent technical support is a favorite theme, as malware researchers have seen with sites like Weberty.org, Memoryconsole.biz, and now, Getsystem.info. Web surfers visiting Getsystem.info always will receive warning messages that their PCs are infected by threatening software, although Getsystem.info doesn't make any effort to scan your PC remotely.

Getsystem.info's warning message is intended to precipitate contact between the Web surfer and a con artist through an offered phone number, which supposedly puts the computer user in touch with a threat removal company. Further issues that may result from following Getsystem.info's recommendations are flexible with the ensuing conversation. However, malware researchers do see some consequences of phone-based phishing attacks more often than others, and these attacks may include:

  • Con artists may request that you make changes to your PC that could allow them to have remote access to it. This backdoor then may be exploited for installing threatening software, changing your system settings or collecting information directly. Many con artists prefer to encourage computer users to enable the Windows Remote Desktop feature for this purpose.
  • Getsystem.info also may be used to promote the purchase or installation of threatening software. In most cases, this scamware can't provide any security or system optimization features, and may charge additional, recurring fees for its registration. Your financial information also may be compromised during the registration process.

Getting Back at Getsystem.info Swindlers

Although Getsystem.info disguises itself as a security website that wants to protect your PC, you never should trust an unrecognized site for being accurate with system alerts of any description. Using anti-malware products from a reputable, previously verified company is the simplest way to make sure that any warnings appearing on your PC are legitimate. Because Getsystem.info is a Web-based threat, malware researchers also can recommend basic browser features like blocking pop-ups, blocking advertisements and disabling scripts as secondary protection from this phishing tactic.

As long as you refuse the 'technical support' of Getsystem.info's phone-based hoax, the danger represented by this domain should be minimal. However, any machine that creates repeated Getsystem.info pop-ups is likely to be compromised by other threats, including malware. These threats should be detected and removed during the system scans of trusted brands of anti-malware products, rather than brands that try to sell themselves through disingenuous pop-ups.
