Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Gip.driverdiv.net


Posted: December 26, 2013

Gip.driverdiv.net is an advertising domain that has a history of delivering, either intentionally or accidentally, drive-by-download attacks in lieu of real advertisement content. These attacks often are disguised as updates for legitimate applications, and appear to be using social engineering techniques that target traffic from media-heavy websites. Considering that such content may be used to infect your PC without any prolonged interaction on the part of the victim, any unprotected brush with Gip.driverdiv.net should be considered equivalent to a compromise of your computer until anti-malware products can be leveraged against the problem. Common payloads for these attacks often include high-level PC threats, but the symptoms of their attacks aren't always obvious to the human eye, which makes manual detection and deletion more challenging than it should be.

The Drive of Online Advertisements to Take Your PC for a Dive

Gip.driverdiv.net may be used to deliver perfectly harmless advertisements, and has yet to be rated as a risky site by most PC security companies. However, malware experts have verified some advertising-based attacks coming through Gip.driverdiv.net, which usually are caused by pop-ups from affiliated unsafe (or simply lax on security) websites. Erotica websites are the most likely sources of these attacks, considering previous campaigns that have used similar methods with different domains from Gip.driverdiv.net.

Up to this date, attacks from Gip.driverdiv.net's advertisements have been designed to look like media player updates, which is simply another reason to avoid getting your updates from sites that aren't completely reputable. Since there's no real update in Gip.driverdiv.net's advertisement, it shouldn't surprise any readers to find out that downloading this 'patch' may infect your PC with threats. However, a willing installation may not be necessary, and malware experts often see these types of drive-by-downloads supported by fallback attack mechanisms that could use exploit kits to install the payload, even if you try to refuse it or close the pop-up window.

Driving Your Browser Away from All that's Ominous About Gip.driverdiv.net

Gip.driverdiv.net's advertisement-based attacks against your computer may be responsible for installing Windows locker Trojans that lock down your desktop, rootkits that compromise essential startup components or backdoor Trojans that let criminals control your computer, for just some examples of the many possibilities. Reducing exposure to Gip.driverdiv.net by avoiding sites known to dabble in untrustworthy advertising affiliates definitely is recommended by malware experts, but still isn't a perfect replacement for solid anti-malware protection. Disabling scripts, updating software in general and blocking advertisements by default also may provide some added security against a Gip.driverdiv.net pop-up's drive-by-download.

Since Gip.driverdiv.net is considered at least a potential infection vector, you should scan your PC with anti-malware products after you've had any kind of unprotected exposure to a Gip.driverdiv.net pop-up advertisement, download link or similar content. While many PC threats may show symptoms that you'd be able to detect by eye, the rest aren't necessarily very obtrusive. Using anti-malware tools with broad threat detection capacities will optimize the chances of eliminating compromises of your computer's safety. If you use anti-malware products with live Web-protection features, you also may be protected against the drive-by-downloads prior to their installation of threats, which is ideal.
