Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Gkillegebre.space


Posted: December 4, 2020

Gkillegebre.space is a website, which uses a fake anti-robot check to trick visitors into subscribing to its notifications. Users who fall for the simple tactic will not be put in a potentially hazardous situation, but they may end up having the quality of their Web browsing sessions worsened substantially. This will occur because Gkillegebre.space's notifications will interrupt them all the time, usually to promote paid advertisements for all sorts of content, including shady sites.

Since these notifications offer no valuable or entertaining content, it is recommended to get rid of them as soon as possible. Users can do this by making sure that Gkillegebre.space's permissions to use notifications are disabled through their browser's 'Site Settings' section. To avoid future encounters with basic tactics like the one on this page, you should remember not to follow the instructions of random websites blindly, especially if they ask you to click a button that says 'Allow' – this is one of the most popular online tactics at the moment.
