Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Globalvideo.best


Posted: January 1, 2021

Globalvideo.best is home to an online tactic. This website tries to trick its visitors by promising to provide them with a file they were looking to download, but only if they click 'Allow' to confirm their download request. What the page may not reveal is that this action will result in a different change – it will subscribe the user to Globalvideo.best's notifications. Because of this change, you may end up seeing tons of notifications from Globalvideo.best in your Web browser. While there is nothing unsafe about this, it may undermine your Web browsing experience and expose you to irrelevant content.

Of course, having an intrusive page bothering you with its advertisements every time you run your Web browser is not enjoyable. This is why users who see Globalvideo.best's notifications should consider taking the required steps to stop this behavior as soon as possible. To limit Globalvideo.best's permissions, you should load your browser's configuration menu and then make sure that's Globalvideo.best ability to use notifications is set to 'Blocked' or 'Disabled.'
