Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Lsmicrosse.club


Posted: August 24, 2020

Online tactics do not always aim to collect your login details or payment data – often, they are just about harmless, and spotting them can be very difficult. A great example of such a tactic can be found on Lsmicrosse.club – this page is being promoted via online advertisements that display fake prompts urging the users to click 'Allow' to confirm that they are not robots. Plenty of websites host such anti-robot checks, so many users are likely to trust Lsmicrosse.club blindly. However, this page's 'check' is fake, and clicking the 'Allow' button will result in subscribing to the website's push notifications. Thankfully, this change is harmless and it is not associated with any harmful activity. However, it will cause an annoying issue by flooding your Web browser with notifications provided by Lsmicrosse.club.

Needless to say, a website that uses basic tactics to gain access to your Web browser notifications has no intention of using this feature to deliver legitimate content. Instead, Lsmicrosse.club will use browser notifications to display paid advertisements for various sites, services, products, videos, affiliate programs and more. Most of this content is likely to be irrelevant, and it is best not to interact with it since it is entirely possible that Lsmicrosse.club's notifications may sometimes promote harmful content.

Dealing with intrusive browser notifications requires tampering with your browser's settings. You need to identify the website delivering the notifications, and then strip it off of its permissions.
