Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers MyHoome Virus

MyHoome Virus

Posted: December 10, 2013

Threat Metric

Ranking: 13,356
Threat Level: 5/10
Infected PCs: 1,485
First Seen: December 10, 2013
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

MyHoome Virus Screenshot 1The MyHoome Virus is a browser hijacker dedicated to promoting MyHoome.com, a website that uses cookies to track your basic Web-browsing behavior for its own profit. Due to the recently registered nature of the MyHoome Virus, malware analysts can't verify whether or not the MyHoome Virus is safe to visit, although the MyHoome Virus currently shows no signs of explicitly harmful functions. Regardless of how you feel about its website, a MyHoome Virus always should be removed to keep your browser safe from unwanted content and other tampering that could harm its security. With the proper protocols in place, most anti-malware products should find removing a MyHoome Virus a simple and painless procedure.

When Your Home isn't Your Decision Anymore

Although the MyHoome Virus shouldn't be confused with actual computer viruses that infect files unrelated to them, the MyHoome Virus isn't any less a nuisance for being easier to spot than real threats. Usually installed as a side effect of the installation of a compromised free software bundle, the MyHoome Virus modifies your browser to redirect it to MyHoome.com. As of malware researchers' latest analyses, this website isn't loading unreliable content – but with its registration only having taken place in late November, that has the potential to change. Currently, the MyHoome Virus's website is formatted as a generic homepage with links to other sites of prominence, such as Facebook and Google.

MyHoome.com's only feature of note is to use tracking cookies to monitor your Web searches, purchase history and other non-confidential information related to your browsing history. This provides the MyHoome Virus with an obvious motive: getting free information from free traffic. However, while the MyHoome Virus doesn't enable the stealing of passwords or any similar criminal behavior, most PC users would consider this arrangement to be detrimental, at a minimum, to say nothing of the concerns of online privacy advocates.

Moving Your Browser out of the MyHoome Virus's 'Home Sweet Home'

Since a MyHoome Virus may be related to multiple types of adware programs, browser hijackers and other PUPs that specialize in browser modifications, you should be attentive to any other symptoms that also may interfere with your Web browser. Along with the MyHoome Virus's homepage hijacks, you also may experience redirected searches, pop-ups or even modifications to security-critical browser settings (in rare cases). The majority of Potentially Unwanted Programs are installed through free software websites, but malware experts also see them installed through other means, from time to time, such as Trojan attacks.

Some variants of the MyHoome Virus may be amenable to being removed through the Control Panel or other standardized methods – at least, on the surface. As an extra step for guaranteeing your PC's safety and the removal of a MyHoome Virus as much as possible, using anti-malware software for its uninstallation is strongly recommended. Less arduous methods of deleting the MyHoome Virus may allow unwanted browser changes or software to stay in effect, even if the MyHoome Virus's homepage hijacks are gone.

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