Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Pp.developunit.info


Posted: February 10, 2014

Pp.developunit.info is a website primarily used to redirect visitors to other toxic sites, such as the domains of phishing scam artists. Although you may not be inclined to visit Pp.developunit.info under your own power, malware researchers also have detected a rise in multiple types of browser hijackers and adware add-ons that could redirect your browser to Pp.developunit.info. These issues are security risks that endanger the rest of your PC, as well as your Web browser, and any response to a Pp.developunit.info hijacker that doesn't include using a reliable anti-malware program should be considered inadequate.

Pp.developunit.info: Just the Development of Further Stepping Stones to Online Attacks

Pp.developunit.info appears to be another website used mostly, not for the sake of its own content, but as one domain in a chain of redirects that ultimately takes traffic to hazardous destinations. Warn1now.com is, perhaps, the most notable of these destinations confirmed by malware experts, who have previously verified that site's use of PC tech support tactics to phish for private information. To protect yourself from these risks, you should consider any information delivered through Pp.developunit.info or partners of Pp.developunit.info to be fraudulent and ignore any recommendations offered for downloading software, purchasing unrecognized products, or giving up personal information like your credit card details or phone number.

Redirects to Pp.developunit.info, and, from there, onwards to other websites tend to be caused by the attacks of any of several formats of browser hijackers. Malware experts have confirmed the involvement of the Chrome add-on AdBLockNWaattch 3.0, which is distributed through compromised AdBlock installers. However, Internet Explorers also are at risk of Pp.developunit.info redirects through a separate browser hijacker – one which doesn't have a relationship with fake AdBlock add-ons.

Developing a Cure to Being Redirected to Pp.developunit.info

Scanning your PC with anti-malware software after even passing contact with Pp.developunit.info simply is a matter of common sense maintenance of your PC's security. With regards to phishing scams that may steal information through Pp.developunit.info or its partners, you should treat any personal information transferred as being, effectively, in the possession of criminals. Particular care should be taken to watch for fraudulent bank charges, credit card charges or premium phone services that charge automatically.

Because, as of the past week, there has been more than one version of a Pp.developunit.info hijacker in distribution, you may or may not experience other side effects besides being redirected to Pp.developunit.info. Whether you do or not, malware experts urge the use of reliable and updated anti-malware programs for removing Pp.developunit.info hijackers and any other threats that attempt to subvert your online safety. Uninstalling your browser or making changes to your browser's settings, while sometimes adept at suppressing symptoms, will not resolve the inherent security issues.
