Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Topfindings.net


Posted: October 23, 2015

Topfindings.net is an unreliable search site that you should not use. It is related to a browser hijacker, which may set it as your homepage by replacing Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer automatically. If the suspicious add-on behind topfindings.net enters your system, it may start redirecting you to this untrustworthy search platform on a regular basis. It may appear whenever you open a new tab of your web clients. Topfindings.net also may become your default search engine, which means that if you perform a search by typing the terms in the address bar, the results will appear from this questionable domain. The majority of browser hijackers may rely on the bundling delivery tactic to get access to the PCs of people who are not careful during the installation of freeware. Visually, topfindings.net is very similar to legitimate searching platforms. It possesses the popular 'Images,' 'Videos,' 'News' and even 'Shopping' sections. The problem with Topfindings.net is that it may not display accurate results. Its purpose is to provide its partners with a steady influx of visitors. For this service, the creators of the suspicious engine receive monetary incentives. In order to accomplish its goal, topfindings.net may put its partners' links at the first positions. They may not be marked as ads. As a result, you may enter sites that may not offer what you need, which would be a waste of time. A more disturbing fact, however, is that some of the affiliate sites may host unsafe software. If topfindings.net redirects you to such webpages, you may be tricked into downloading some applications that may be harmful. If you wish to stop seeing topfindings.net as your homepage, you should delete the respective browser hijacker with a credible security tool.
