Home Possibly Unwanted Program TvNewTab


Posted: May 3, 2016

Threat Metric

Ranking: 14,942
Threat Level: 1/10
Infected PCs: 600
First Seen: May 3, 2016
Last Seen: August 14, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

TvNewTab is an ad-oriented extension for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, which you may wish to avoid. TvNewTab doesn't exhibit any threatening symptoms, but may still make your time on the computer far less enjoyable. This unreliable application may create a variety of commercial materials, which the majority of PC users may perceive as aggressive. In theory, TvNewTab should help you find new streaming websites. According to its developers, TvNewTab should let people watch free movies and TV shows. In reality, this extension may read your surfing history to find out what may be interesting to you. After that, TvNewTab may adjust the commercial materials to meet your current needs. Since this adware has a pretty extensive partner network, TvNewTab can always find a site that you may find appealing. TvNewTab may try to redirect you to pages for plane tickets, bookstores or platforms for online games. In all cases, however, the presence of pop-ups, banners, interstitial ads and embedded videos may cause you annoyance. First of all, you may encounter these commercial materials during your surfing sessions consistently. Second, their loading may require much of the available system's resources. As a result, the whole browser may start operating in a sluggish manner. The greatest risk of keeping TvNewTab concerns the security of your PC. Nothing can guarantee that all of the displayed coupons and offers are safe. In some cases, the sponsored links may take you to dubious sites that may attempt to infect your system or trick you. Some people may not enjoy that TvNewTab may change a lot of settings automatically. TvNewTab may replace your homepage with a low-quality search provider that may show manipulated results. Not all installations of this adware are properly authorized by PC users. In some cases, TvNewTab may enter hidden in software bundles silently. You should scan your system with an advanced security application to delete TvNewTab.

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