Home Malware Programs Adware Vi-view.com


Posted: April 29, 2014

Threat Metric

Ranking: 2,924
Threat Level: 5/10
Infected PCs: 26,538
First Seen: April 29, 2014
Last Seen: October 17, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Vi-view.com is a website devoted to an image-viewing utility that malware experts would consider harmless if Vi-view.com weren't for its tendency to hijack your Web browser. Redirects to Vi-view.com tend to promote its search engine, which uses results 'borrowed' from other search engines. Although there only are minor security risks tied to Vi-view.com, there are few benefits to its software that are unavailable from more reputable competitors, and malware experts especially recommend avoiding products that take control of your Web browser's settings in this fashion.

A Clear View of the Troubles with Vi-view.com

Vi-view.com offers an image viewer and manager that also has an additional catch: Vi-view.com may modify your browser's settings to promote its own 'search engine.' This sub-domain of Vi-view.com provides results from other, legitimate search sites, albeit with the possibility of Vi-view.com including advertisements or other, unwanted results along with the legitimate links. Malware researchers particularly found Vi-view.com hijacks to modify the PC user's homepage settings and search engine settings, although other options (such as being redirected to Vi-view.com from a URL error page or a new tab) also are highly possible.

Due to these unnecessary, and difficult to justify browser changes, Vi-view.com's Vi-View Image Viewer is rated as a Potentially Unwanted Program. A small number of PC security companies also have rated the Vi-view.com Web domain as potentially threatening, although malware researchers have found no hazardous content on Vi-view.com that would corroborate those claims, so far. In spite of that, extended contact with sites that have no problems with subverting your control over your Web browser is not in the best interest of your PC's safety.

Climbing Down from a Bad View of a Browser Hijacker

Despite the sleekness and apparent harmlessness of its image viewer, Vi-view.com is relatively simple to identify as just another website providing a bare minimum of excuse features to let Vi-view.com redirect your traffic to sites profiting Vi-view.com. If you've installed Vi-view.com's product or are experiences redirects to Vi-view.com, you should use PC security software to restore your browser's normal behavior and remove the associated browser hijacker.

Alternate means of dealing with Vi-view.com hijackers, such as changing to a browser not redirecting to Vi-view.com, will not remove the software that is responsible for these changes. Whenever possible, getting to the root of browser problems like pop-up advertisements or hijacked homepages should be considered before suppressing or working around the symptoms. Even a Potentially Unwanted Program like Vi-view.com's product may become a long-term security problem if ignored for long enough – especially on an unprotected PC. The brands of browser hijacked for promoting Vi-view.com search results have yet to be confirmed by malware researchers. However, Windows browsers typically are more at risk than non-Windows ones, albeit not exclusively so.

Technical Details

Registry Modifications

The following newly produced Registry Values are:

Regexp file mask%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\vi-view.xml%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\vi-view.xmlHKEY..\..\..\..{RegistryKeys}Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\vi-view.comSOFTWARE\vi-viewSoftwareSOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\vi-viewSoftwareHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[APPLICATION]\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..{Uninstaller}vi-view uninstall

Additional Information

The following directories were created:
The following URL's were detected: