Home Issue What to do When Your Monitor Is Not Working

What to do When Your Monitor Is Not Working

Posted: January 20, 2021

Monitor issues may often be challenging to troubleshoot, especially if you suspect that there might be caused by a software corruption or error. Usually, it is good to have a backup monitor in case you need to troubleshoot your primary one. However, there are also plenty of things you can try if your monitor is not working. The troubleshooting steps below may help you identify and solve the problem, which prevents your monitor from operating as it is supposed to.

See if the Power Cord is Connected

You would be surprised by how often users experience issues because their power cord was disconnected accidentally. If your monitor is not showing any signs of life at all, then you should proceed to check both ends of the power cord immediately.

Check Other Cable Connections

The other cable, which must be checked, is the one connecting your monitor to your computer – one end goes in the monitor, while the other goes in the GPU. It is also recommended to try using a different cable since there is a chance that your cable might have been damaged accidentally.

Reinstall the Video Driver

If your monitor is working but bugging out occasionally (changing colors, flashing white/black, turning off and on constantly, etc.), then you may need to try to reinstall your video drivers. Start by removing the old ones and then fetching a fresh copy of the GPU vendor's site's latest version. Alternatively, you can complete this task with the use of specialized driver updating software.

Check GPU Temperatures

A dying or overheating graphics card (GPU) may often exhibit behavior, which might lead you to believe that there is an issue with your monitor. If you can turn on your monitor, we advise you to use a hardware monitoring app to check your GPU's temperatures. If they are going above 80 degrees without playing any games or using intensive software, then it is very probable that your monitor is fine, and the GPU is causing the problem.
