Home Issue How to Uninstall Steam

How to Uninstall Steam

Posted: February 4, 2021

Steam is the most widely used gaming platform for computer users, with over 120 million active players in 2020. It provides its users with access to tens of thousands of paid and free games, which can be added to your library in just a few clicks. If you are looking to stay away from gaming for a while, then you might be interested in learning how to uninstall Steam. This situation may require a specific approach depending on your operating system.

Uninstalling Steam on Windows

If you wish to keep your games from being removed, then you should back up the 'steamapps' folder from the C:\Program Files\Steam\ directory. Keep in mind that the games in there will not run without Steam installed. To proceed to remove Steam, open the Control Panel, and navigate to the 'Programs & Features' menu. Find Steam, and select the 'Uninstall' option.

Uninstalling Steam on macOS

Start by quitting the application by selecting the Steam -> Quit Steam menu. Then, go to the Finder -> Applications folder, and move 'Steam' to the trash bin. Keep in mind that this will not remove the games you have installed via Steam. To ensure that all Steam remnants are deleted, select Finder -> Go _> Go to Folder. Type in '~/Library/Application Support' and select Enter. Move the 'Steam' folder to the trash bin.
