Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers 5finder.com


Posted: January 3, 2018

The 5finder.com website appears to be linked to browser hijacking software whose installation may modify the settings of the user's web browser in order to set 5finder.com as the default new tab page or homepage. While this change is certainly not harmful, we believe that the majority of users would be unhappy with it since they will be forced to use a web page with a non-existent reputation which also provides slightly inaccurate search results.

Usually, users come across the 5finder.com hijacker when they attempt to download low-quality applications that claim to provide them with various helpful features. However, often these programs might request permission to modify the browser's configuration in order to introduce users to a new website that will enhance their ability to search the web. While 5finder.com is not harmful, we doubt many users would enjoy it since its results page may include ads, irrelevant results, or other content that users are likely to want to avoid.

If you seem to encounter 5finder.com whenever you use your web browser, then you've probably unknowingly installed an application or browser add-on which added this website to your browser's settings. Removing the troublemaking application is not mandatory, but it is the recommended course of action since it is better to stick to using legitimate web pages that have proven their reliability through the years. If you are interested in eliminating the software linked to 5finder.com and restoring your browser's settings, then you should proceed to run a credible PC security scanner.
