Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers 9solo.biz


Posted: June 5, 2020

9solo.biz is a website that hosts identical contents to 2solo.biz and all other sites that follow the same naming pattern – 1solo.biz, 3solo.biz, 4solo.biz, etc. These sites pretend to be part of a 'robot check' that users must pass before being able to access certain content. 9solo.biz uses this trick to mislead users and convince them to click the 'Allow' button that will enable 9solo.biz's notifications in their Web browser. If this change is permitted, 9solo.biz will abuse the browser's notifications to flood your Web browser with undesired notifications that may lead you to non-trustworthy Web destinations frequently.

Notifications from 9solo.biz often may contain affiliate links, fake prize raffles, and even fake virus alerts that may lure you into technical support tactics. Needless to say, the 9solo.biz notifications are not a good source for any content type, and you should try to get rid of them as soon as you can. The removal of the 9solo.biz notifications can be completed by using your browser's settings to revoke this domain's permissions to send notifications.
