Home Malware Programs Trojans 'Attention! Windows Firewall Warning' Fake Message

'Attention! Windows Firewall Warning' Fake Message

Posted: September 24, 2008

'Attention! Windows Firewall Warning' fake message is a fake message associated with the Zlob.Trojan infection. "Attention! Windows Firewall Warning" popup is an annoying message that basically means you have Trojan infection that is present on your system with the ability to install other malicious programs.

The Trojan infection that displays the 'Attention! Windows Firewall Warning' fake message is known to install rogue anti-spyware programs such as Micro Antivirus 2009 or Vista Antivirus 2008 which are well known for being dangerous.

It seems to be an epidemic of fake warning messages such as the 'Attention! Windows Firewall Warning' fake message that comes from infections such as Zlob or Vundo Trojan. Manual detection and removal of Trojans can be difficult and time consuming. It Is essential that you take the necessary steps to scan your system for any Trojan infection that displays 'Attention! Windows Firewall Warning' fake message with an up to date spyware scan tool.
