Home Malware Programs Remote Administration Tools Atwinda


Posted: March 28, 2006

The main function of this RAT is stealing files and information. It is written in Visual Basic. The author is a hacker called Stagg. This particular virus uses such stealth functions as "backdoor" and "trojan" to infiltrate the computer and stay unnoticed. The infection is performed via the e-mail or the File and Print Sharing. A "server" application is being placed in the victim's computer. It allows the intruder to connect via a "client" on his own machine. The origination date is December 2000.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 clent.exe
    2 clent.vbp
    3 client.exe
    4 frmabout.frm
    5 frmadduser.frm
    6 frmchangepw.frm
    7 frmdeluser.frm
    8 frmlogin.frm
    9 frmmain.frm
    10 frmoptions.frm
    11 frmpopuplab.frm
    12 frmsavebox.frm
    13 frmtextlab.frm
    14 modcommand.bas
    15 modini.bas
    16 modlistbox.bas
    17 modpopuplab.bas
    18 moduserpass.bas
    19 server.exe
    20 server.vbp