Home Malware Programs Remote Administration Tools Dark Connection Inside

Dark Connection Inside

Posted: March 28, 2006

The author of this RAT is StoLenbYTe. This virus was designed for
illegal control of remote PCs. Several versions appeared from
December 1999 to August 2003. The principle of such application is simple:
the attacker infects his victim via the e-mail or File and Print
Sharing with a server application. Once in the computer, the virus opens a
default port and awaits commands from the intruder. He can connect to
the infected PC via a client application.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 5f2954fc.exe
    2 966fb4ff.exe
    3 about.dcu
    4 about.dfm
    5 about.pas
    6 al.dcu
    7 al.dfm
    8 dci.dcu
    9 dci.dfm
    10 dci.pas
    11 dci.~pa
    12 dci1.dcu
    13 dci1.dfm
    14 dci1.pas
    15 dci2.pas
    16 dcihelp.htm
    17 login.dcu
    18 login.dfm
    19 login.pas
    20 msgsrv16.dcu
    21 msgsrv16.dfm
    22 msgsrv16.~pa
    23 option.dcu
    24 option.dfm
    25 option.pas
    26 run.dcu
    27 run.dfm
    28 run.pas
    29 splash.dcu
    30 splash.dfm
    31 splash.pas
    32 stolenbyte.txt