Home Malware Programs Remote Administration Tools Gates of Hell

Gates of Hell

Posted: March 28, 2006

Gates of Hell if a very dangerous RAT virus family. This virus can
bypass some antivirus applications and firewalls. It has a "flooder"
ability, allowing it to jam the connection by fast continuous pinging.
This pest is written in Visual Basic and compressed with PECrypt. The
server part is compressed with UPX. The author of this pest is a
Brazilian hacker called DoOmTrAiN_KiLLerZ. Several versions (Gates of

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 1.2
    2 1.4
    3 [system]winunistall.exe
    4 anigif crack.exe
    5 client.exe
    6 english.txt
    7 gatehell.exe
    8 gatehell.hlp
    9 gatehell21.exe
    10 gates
    11 gatesofhell1.2
    12 gatesofhell1.4
    13 hell
    14 of
    15 portuguese.txt
    16 readme.exe
    17 readme.txt
    18 run32dll.exe
    19 server.exe
    20 server21.exe
    21 systemio.dll