Home Malware Programs Remote Administration Tools LANfiltrator


Posted: March 28, 2006

Many versions of this pest appeared in the internet from July 2002 to April 2004. This dangerous RAT tool includes such functions as "keylogger", "password capture", file manager, etc. It also takes screenshots of user activity and uses the webcam to spy on user. It also can disable some Firewalls and anti-virus applications. The pest affects such computers as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The users of Windows 3.x, Microsoft IIS, Macintosh, Unix and Linux are immune to this pest. The author of this pest is a hacker called Read10

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 -¦&+˜.txt
    2 client.exe
    3 ddbd259c.exe
    4 dnsredirection.txt
    5 dnsredirectionnew.txt
    6 edit server.exe
    7 editserverhelp.txt
    8 edtsrv.exe
    9 f527c731.exe
    10 forthebetatesters.txt
    11 howthesinclientworks.txt
    12 l_server.exe
    13 lan.dll
    14 lanfiltrator.exe
    15 positioning.ini
    16 readme.txt
    17 readme[betatesters].txt
    18 releasenots.txt
    19 usinglanfiltratoronsomeonethatisonalan.txt