Home Malware Programs AOL Parasites Omerstroke


Posted: March 28, 2006

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 9/10
Infected PCs: 63
First Seen: October 28, 2015
Last Seen: March 8, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Omerstroke is a Trojan developed with the purpose to collect information. Its primary target is to obtain passwords for the user's accounts, including email addresses. The people behind Omerstroke have managed to obtain the credentials of some clients of AOL. If you are unaware, AOL is a large American mass media corporation that offers an email client in addition to various other services. Once Omerstroke compromises victim's PC, the potential consequences may be pretty adverse. For this reason, it is advisable to prevent the installation of the Trojan and avoid the infection. The malware doesn't rely on unique distribution methods: it may enter in case you open corrupt email attachments or download software from suspicious platforms. An example of the sites you should not use when you need a particular program is torrent trackers. Unlike the majority of spyware Trojans, Omerstroke doesn't establish a connection towards Command and Control (C&C) servers. Instead, the hackers receive the collected information via emails. If they manage to log into your email address, they may use all of your information for harmful operations. The cyber threat is not among the most complicated Trojans, but it may still affect sensitive areas of the Operating System (OS) such as the Windows Registry. It creates a few entries of its own, thanks to which Omerstroke launches simultaneously with the OS, meaning it will be active whenever the machine is switched on. One of the most troublesome aspects of this malware is that it works in the background, so you may not notice obvious signs of the infection. If you have reasons to assume this Trojan may have entered, you should scan your PC with advanced anti-malware application immediately.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 mstasks.exe
    2 newestpics.exe

Registry Modifications

  • The following newly produced Registry Values are: