Home Malware Programs Remote Administration Tools REA2


Posted: March 28, 2006

This application was designed for illegal controlling of other people's PCs. The hacker infects the victim's machine via the e-mail or File and Print Sharing with a "server" application. He can later access the infected machine via a "client". The functions of a RAT may vary, depending on the needs of the hacker. Some may just do nasty things, while the user is working. Other can steal vital information and remove files. This RAT uses "backdoor" abilities to infiltrate the computer and allow the intruder to stay unnoticed for a long period of time. This Remote Administration Tool was created by a hacker called Shital Shah. He wrote it using Delphi 3.0 applicationming language. The source code is included, so anyone can modify this pest to suit his personal needs. The RAT was created in July 1998.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 icqpro.exe
    2 main.pas
    3 msbill32.res
    4 operations.pas
    5 pwdlg.dfm
    6 rea2.exe
    7 readme.txt
    8 sample.txt
    9 sendkey.pas