Home Rogue Websites Yourguardonline.com


Posted: October 14, 2009

Yourguardonline.com is a dangerous web site that was designed and created to exploit the rogue anti-spyware program called Trust Fighter. Yourguardonline.com has the ability to hijack your web browser application and display fictitious security alert messages on your screen that attempt to warn you of security issues and offer the Trust Fighter application as a solution. TrustFighter unfortunately is unable to fix any type of security related issue on a computer. Yourguardonline.com should never be visited as it is not a trusted source. If you are redirected to Yourguardonline.com then you should not ever click on any messages as they could lead to the installation of a rogue anti-spyware program or other unknown malware.

File System Modifications

  • The following files were created in the system:
    # File Name
    1 %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Desktop\TrustFighter.lnk
    2 %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\TrustFighter
    3 %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\TrustFighter\1 TrustFighter.lnk
    4 %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\TrustFighter\2 Homepage.lnk
    5 %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\TrustFighter\3 Uninstall.lnk
    6 %Program Files%\TrustFighter Software\TrustFighter\license.txt
    7 %Program Files%\TrustFighter Software\TrustFighter\trustsoldier.exe
    8 %Program Files%\TrustFighter Software\TrustFighter\uninstall.exe
    9 %WINDOWS%\102z6w59m3c4.cpl
    10 %WINDOWS%\1044zhackt9ol5b2.dll
    11 %WINDOWS%\10683v9rzs656.cpl
    12 %WINDOWS%\10915hief309z.cpl

Registry Modifications

  • The following newly produced Registry Values are:
    HKEY..\..\..\..{Subkeys}HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "TrustFighter"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TrustFighterHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrustFighterHKEY..\..\..\..{RegistryKeys}HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_TRUSTFIGHTERSVCHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TrustFighterSvcHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[APPLICATION]\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..{Uninstaller}TrustFighter