Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Agafurretor.com


Posted: March 2, 2021

Agafurretor.com is a deceptive website that focuses on promoting shady online advertisements and pop-ups. Modern anti-virus products may notify you when you come across this page since it is blacklisted due to its suspicious contents. Of course, users who are not relying on 3rd-party security tools will not see such notifications, and they may end up interacting with potentially harmful or misleading content.

The pop-ups and alerts found on Agafurretor.com may change regularly, and it seems that the page often promotes the following types of content:

  • Affiliate links to various online shopping platforms.
  • Fake alerts that try to hijack the notifications of the Web browser.
  • Advertisements leading users to suspicious online schemes that may host tactics or other deceptive content.

You can rest assured that Agafurretor.com has no valuable information to offer, and it is in your best interest to avoid visiting this website. It is likely to be opened in your Web browser when you browse low-quality sites that have been paid to promote dodgy sites like this one. If you ever encounter Agafurretor.com's content, you should leave the website immediately. If you wish to enhance your protection against suspicious websites, we suggest investing in reputable security software that will monitor your browser's behavior, and inform you whenever you come across shady content. 
