Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Alcreasalcon.info


Posted: April 6, 2020

Online fraudsters have been hosting countless websites whose contents are being promoted via online advertisements. However, instead of real content, these websites host a bogus page whose purpose is to fool users into thinking that they have to pass a robot check but, in reality, the instructions are not associated with any robot check and, instead, their ultimate goal is to provide the unknown website with the ability to use browser's notifications. One of the websites used to run such a tactic is Alcreasalcon.info.

If Alcreasalcon.info is allowed to use notifications, it will abuse this feature to display advertisements at regular intervals. Alcreasalcon.info may use advertisements to promote affiliated products or services, shady websites, gambling offers and other suspicious content. It is recommended to avoid Alcreasalcon.info's notifications because they are unlikely to take you to any relevant content.

You should remove the Alcreasalcon.info notifications by revoking the website's permissions. This is done via the Web browser's settings panel.
