Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Anniverdiseason.club


Posted: June 15, 2020

Con artists have focused on launching fake websites that try to hijack the browser notification of their visitor recently. Usually, this is done by presenting users with a fake confirmation prompt that claims to be related to a robot check when, in reality, it is meant to allow Anniverdiseason.club to use the Web browser's notifications. One website that hosts such a tactic is Anniverdiseason.club, and this page does not seem to be related to any other content type. So far, it would appear that it was set up with the sole purpose of hijacking browser notifications.

It is easy to find out if you have fallen for the tactic found on Anniverdiseason.club – just check if your Web browser has displayed notifications provided by Anniverdiseason.club recently. If you are experiencing this issue, then you should remember that it is best to avoid interacting with any of the content that the notifications promote since they may lead you to other online tactics, or try to convince you to pay for dubious products and services.

If you are being troubled by the Anniverdiseason.club notifications, you should take the needed steps to stop this behavior by limiting Anniverdiseason.club's permissions. This should be done via your browser's control panel manually.
