Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Apple-support-alert.info


Posted: April 11, 2016

Apple-support-alert.info is a Web page that may display fabricated security warnings to all visitors. Apple-support-alert.info is related to a harmful Web extension that may infect your browser without your knowledge. If the browser hijacker behind Apple-support-alert.info enters, your Web client may load this domain automatically. The first message you will notice concerns your secure connection. According to the notification, you are missing the latest certificates, so you are unable to proceed. Apple-support-alert.info tries to deceive you that the reason for the issue may be a security breach. The suspicious site displays a disturbing pop-up immediately afterward. Apple-support-alert.info states that there is a critical security warning due to an infection with some high-level threat. Apple-support-alert.info claims that unless you dial 855-999-2039 for assistance, some hackers may obtain your most valuable financial information such as your credit card number. When the browser hijacker opens this site, Apple-support-alert.info may lock the whole Web client to make you believe you are in real trouble. However, it is all just a trick to make you call the noted phone number. If you do it, the people on the other side of the phone will introduce themselves as qualified technicians who want to help. In reality, they are fraudsters. These con artists may try to charge you a few hundred dollars as a fee when they are not prepared to offer you the assistance you need. What is more, these con artists may demand remote access to your machine, only to infect you with real cyber threats. You must delete the browser hijacker behind Apple-support-alert.info as soon as possible. It might have compromised all of the present Web clients simultaneously, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. These parasites may enter when the user loads freeware and fails to read the details. In case you didn't install any cost-free application in the recent past, the browser hijacker may be part of a more stubborn cyber threat. It is advisable to perform a full diagnostic test of your machine with powerful security software to delete the browser hijacker related to Apple-support-alert.info and all other harmful applications that may be there.
