Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Arhowever.top


Posted: November 18, 2020

The website Arhowever.top is home to a basic tactic, which wants to trick visitors into granting the page the ability to use Web browser notifications. Of course, Arhowever.top's administrators do not plan to use this feature to be helpful or entertaining – their goal is to abuse the browser notifications to deliver an endless stream of paid advertisements.

The tactic requires some interaction from the user. When a visitor comes across the bogus Arhowever.top pop-ups, they may be asked to click 'Allow' to confirm their identity and continue browsing. If this demand is complied with, Arhowever.top will be allowed to use browser notifications. The website is likely to start flooding your browser with dozens of intrusive notifications, many of which promote questionable links, content, and products.

Getting rid of the Arhowever.top notifications requires some tampering with your browser's settings. You need to find the 'Site Settings' section, and make sure to get rid of all permissions granted to Arhowever.top.
