Home Rogue Websites Axissoftware.com


Posted: September 27, 2011

Axissoftware.com Screenshot 1Axissoftware.com is a fake bargain software website that uses a cannily-crafted selection of social engineering tactics to make visitors give away their credit card information. In addition to looking like a trustworthy bargains website, Axissoftware.com also offers supposedly great deals on popular software products, including anti-virus scanners and codec software. You shouldn't jump on those great offers, however, as SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have found that Axissoftware.com is, indeed, too good to be true – all Axissoftware.com are fake and have no point beyond creating a credit card entry form that steals your financial information. If you've placed your trust in Axissoftware.com, you should immediately cancel your credit card to stop any possibility of fraudulent charges and you may want to scan your PC with a robust anti-malware program, as well.

Axissoftware.com: an Adept E-Coupon Chameleon

Axissoftware.com gains trust by the well-worn tactic of stealing the interface of a legitimate company – in this case, by using the same web design interface that's used by Groupon.com (an online bargain website). With this black and frog-green look and links to what appears to be a huge quantity of price-slashing deals, Axissoftware.com hopes to make you buy before you think and encourages you to place your faith, money and credit card into the hands of Axissoftware.com's Groupon-alike visage.

SpywareRemove.com malware experts noted that Axissoftware.com's layout is relatively intricate and can easily fool anyone who's not aware of Axissoftware.com's real intentions beforehand. Links to popular programs (Photoshop or Flash, for example), brands (Macromedia, Linux, Symantec) and other types of e-products are rampant. Axissoftware.com even includes a user-friendly 'search by letter' option, a FAQ and a virtual shopping cart.

The telltale sign of Axissoftware.com's fraud, however, lies in Axissoftware.com's purchase forms – these forms lack any sort of meaningful encryption and are generally too fast, too streamlined and too unprotected to look like believable purchase forms. However, in their haste to grab onto a fake bargain, many victims may overlook these signs and give Axissoftware.com their credit card information anyway.

Walking Out of Axissoftware.com's Aisles and Back to the Real World

If you've tried to purchase some of Axissoftware.com's fake software and given away your credit card in exchange for nothing, the first thing to do is to communicate with your credit card provider and ask them to revoke your card.. Continuing to use a credit card that's been compromised by Axissoftware.com will create a strong risk of indefinite and fraudulent charges in the future.

Once your finances are safe, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers also encourage you to attend to your computer's safety, as well. Because harmful sites like Axissoftware.com have been known to utilize drive-by-download scripts that install malicious programs automatically, you should use a good anti-malware program to make sure that Axissoftware.com hasn't tried to offload any program onto your PC. You should use the latest version of your scanner to scan your computer, since deleting Axissoftware.com-related PC threats may require recent updates.
