Home Malware Programs Adware Browse Safe

Browse Safe

Posted: July 10, 2015

Browse Safe is an ad-based browser extension, created on the 50onRed platform. The exact company that stands behind the misleading tool remains unknown, which is a clear sign of its misleading nature. Browse Safe promises to safeguard you while your browse the Internet. Its description states you will be informed whenever you enter a harmful domain. As Browse Safe isn't a legitimate security program, it cannot achieve anything of the promised. It relies on the offered features just so that it reaches your system. From this moment on, the questionable add-on starts working to benefit its developers. Browse Safe is adware, meaning it inserts various pop-ups, banners, in-text and interstitial ads on the websites. Whenever you follow the sponsored links, the creators of this deceptive application will earn money. Their profits come at your expense as the ads may lead to various problems. The annoyance and the possible distractions are the least of your concerns as your browsers may start working slowly and may even crash once in a while. The ads may lead to untrustworthy or dangerous domains, which may try to scam you or offer you unsafe content. You should leave the security of your system to actual anti-malware tools, whereas Browse Safe should be deleted as soon as possible.
