Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Computerlivehelp.co


Posted: January 3, 2015

Computerlivehelp.co is a fraudulent tech support site that third parties may use to get money under false pretenses, attack your PC or collect information. While Computerlivehelp.co doesn't host unsafe content that could attack your PC directly through your Web browser, any contact with its 'tech support' could convince you to take actions that harm your PC. Victims of Computerlivehelp.co's tactic should undertake all necessary measures to re-secure their PCs and information, including uninstalling software recommended by its supposed employees.

The 'Live Help' Domain for Online Third Parties

Although they require more effort than some forms of online hoaxes, fake technical support hotlines remain a prominent sub-genre of Internet hoaxes. Computerlivehelp.co has played its part in this fray from at least mid-2014, by providing a chat interface for third parties to imitate the skill sets of real PC security professionals while seeking to undermine your PC. Malware experts most strongly correlate redirects to Computerlivehelp.co with browser hijackers, adware and other PC threats that may modify your browser's settings automatically. Mac users seem to be most strongly targeted in these attacks, and Computerlivehelp.co's perpetrators may pretend to have an affiliation with Apple Inc.

Unlike threat websites that may use scripts and other content to infect your PC (both with or without your knowledge), Computerlivehelp.co doesn't host content associated with threatening software or the exploitation of software vulnerabilities. Instead, Computerlivehelp.co promotes a chat interface and phone hotline for third parties to contact their victims directly, pretending to offer miscellaneous tech support services.

Individuals may exploit this contact for different reasons, but malware experts see reason to warn against the following attacks:

  • Computerlivehelp.co's creators may try to initiate remote access to your computer, supposedly as a way of repairing it. This remote access is equivalent to a backdoor vulnerability that may allow hackers to collect your information, modify your files, install threats or change your system settings at will.
  • Computerlivehelp.co's creators may request that you purchase fake security software, system optimization tools or other scamware. Credit card details and other financial information transferred in the process may suffer from exploitation for other charges.

Like most tech support hoaxes, Computerlivehelp.co requires the misinformed consent of its victims before Computerlivehelp.co can harm you or your PC.

Helping Yourself to an Escape from Online Con Artistry

Computerlivehelp.co profits off of the ignorance, carelessness and desperation of individuals who may already be struggling to resolve adware pop-ups, browser hijackings and other attacks that prevent them from recognizing Computerlivehelp.co's tech support fraud. Always verifying the identity of a company and always refusing unusual requests involving remote access to your computer can provide some of the simplest but most efficient protection from a fake tech support site. With respect to avoiding the PUPs that could promote Computerlivehelp.co, malware researchers also can point out that the majority of these programs install themselves from free software sites, torrents and other download sources that may be assumed to be untrustworthy.

If you haven't allowed the persons behind Computerlivehelp.co gain remote access to your PC, your computer's security should be only a minor concern, after dealing with any compromises of information. However, any contact with a corrupted website should be thought of as a potential lead-in to other attacks. Even if you've refused this site's services, you may want to consider scanning your PC to remove threats that could install themselves through Computerlivehelp.co's enterprise.
