Home Malware Programs Malware CopperStealer


Posted: March 19, 2021

Infostealing malware is prevalent among cybercriminals because it is usually very small in size and fairly easy to distribute via all kinds of methods – fake downloads, email spam, pirated media/software, etc. One of the recently identified malware families to belong to the 'infostealer' category is called CopperStealer. Typically, this malware is used to obtain sensitive data such as banking details, cryptocurrency wallets, and other login credentials that could lead to money theft. However, CopperStealer's authors are going after more accessible information – this malware specializes in hijacking accounts for Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, and other popular websites or social media networks. While these logins are not that expensive, selling them in bulk on the underground hacking markets may yield the CopperStealer operators a lot of money.

The first attacks of the CopperStealer were identified in January 2021, but cybersecurity experts quickly found out that the first instances of the CopperStealer date back to June 2019. The criminals behind the operation had managed to stay under the radar for a long time. Apart from the aforementioned services and sites that the CopperStealer targets, the infostealer also tries to steal information from PayPal, Tumblr, and Apple accounts.

The best way to keep your login credentials safe from infostealers is to protect your computer with the use of an up-to-date antivirus tool. In addition to this, it is recommended to activate two-factor authentication whenever it is available – this way, criminals who manage to obtain your username and password will still be unable to access your account because of having to obtain a code from your phone or email.
