Home Malware Programs Adware Coupons Beat Ads

Coupons Beat Ads

Posted: May 11, 2016

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 8/10
Infected PCs: 133
First Seen: May 12, 2016
Last Seen: September 17, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Coupons Beat is an unreliable ad-based extension, which you should not agree to install. Although its developers say otherwise, this suspicious program may not improve your online shopping. The main reason for the existence of Coupons Beat is to generate Web traffic towards sponsored sites. To achieve it, the Coupons Beat may include disturbingly high quantities of pop-ups, banners, interstitial ads, in-text ads and other eye-catching commercial materials. In the beginning, some PC users may find the coupons, discount vouchers and exclusive offers appealing. However, if you click on them, you may be redirected to questionable shopping platforms. You should know that famous e-commerce sites don't rely on adware extensions to get visitors. This means that the ads with the slogan 'Brought by Coupons Beat' may open domains that you have never heard of before. Some of them may even be threatening. If you are encouraged to update your Java or Adobe, you should decline to avoid a potential infection. The commercial materials by Coupons Beat may become annoying soon after this adware enters. The ads may turn into a permanent part of every site you open. They may seize a large area of the screen. Moreover, the loading of multimedia elements may trouble the performance of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. In some cases, the users may experience freezes or occasional crashes of the browsers. Although Coupons Beat has its official page, in most cases it may enter bundled with third-party software. Those people who skip details and click on the 'I agree' buttons without reading may load this adware without suspecting. Once the Coupons Beat gets access to the system, this extension may be very hard to remove. The best way to eliminate the Coupons Beat is to use a trustworthy anti-malware solution.
