Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Dengelmeg.com


Posted: January 24, 2020

Dengelmeg.com is a website whose sole purpose is to display fraudulent warnings and alerts to get users to allow the website to use push notifications. While giving such permissions to Dengelmeg.com is not a major threat, you should be aware that this website will use your Web browser's push notifications to bombard you with advertisements, which may include gambling or adult content.

It is likely that Dengelmeg.com may be baiting users via adult content since the prompt it uses to ask for permissions is disguised as an age check, which is meant to confirm that the user is over 18 years of age. If the users are not paying attention, they may not notice the fraudulent scheme easily, and end up providing Dengelmeg.com with the permissions it needs to initialize its ad-spamming mission.

If you see Dengelmeg.com notifications while browsing the Web, then you should navigate to your Web browser's settings and revoke this particular site's permissions to use any of your browser's features. Remember that using a potent PC security tool might help keep you away from Dengelmeg.com and similar pages that are designed to run fraudulent schemes.
