Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Dequestig.club


Posted: July 20, 2020

Dequestig.club is a page that may show up in your Web browser when you visit low-quality websites linked to the distribution of pirated software and media. The purpose of Dequestig.club is to display a misleading alert that tells users that they have to pass an anti-robot check to access the content they were trying to view. However, Dequestig.club's message is fake, and following the page's instructions will result in you subscribing to the page's notifications. If this change is made, Dequestig.club will gain the ability to deliver an unlimited number of notifications to your Web browser – while this feature is usually used to deliver entertaining content, Dequestig.club will abuse it to display paid advertisements that often may promote non-trustworthy content.

If your browser is exposing you to Dequestig.club notifications regularly, then you should take the necessary steps to remove them. This can be achieved via your browser's 'Site Settings' section – once there, make sure that Dequestig.club's permissions to use notifications are disabled.
