Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Egcuniformer.club


Posted: September 21, 2020

Seeing unwanted notifications in your Web browser is usually caused by giving a non-trustworthy website the permissions to use your browser's notifications. One of the pages that uses such a fraudulent strategy is Egcuniformer.club. As soon as it shows up in your browser, it will tell you that you need to complete an anti-robot check. Allegedly, the user can do this by clicking 'Allow,' but the result of this action will be entirely different. Once the 'Allow' button is pressed, you will be subscribed to Egcuniformer.club's push notifications.

This minor change is not harmful, but it has very annoying consequences. If Egcuniformer.club gets the permissions, it will begin to abuse your browser's push notifications to deliver a constant stream of advertisements for services, products and websites. It is best not to interact with the content that the Egcuniformer.club notifications promote due to privacy and safety concerns.

Eliminating unwanted browser notifications is a task you can complete by navigating your browser's settings menu. There, you need to limit the permissions granted to the intrusive website (e.g., Egcuniformer.club).
