Home Malware Programs Remote Administration Tools ElectroRAT


Posted: January 6, 2021

ElectroRAT is a piece of malware that was employed in a year-long campaign targeting cryptocurrency users and traders. The threatening software was propagated through bogus copies of cryptocurrency wallets and applications, and their users often had no idea that they were about to introduce malware on their device. The ElectroRAT campaign's goal was to collect sensitive details that would allow hackers to collect cryptocurrency credentials and transactions eventually.

Some of the application names used to hide the ElectroRAT were Jamm, eTrade, Kintum and DaoPoker. The criminals even set up official websites for fraudulent applications, therefore making them appear more believable. Some of ElectroRAT's abilities include keylogging, collecting files, grabbing screenshots, executing remote commands and more. One of the scariest properties of the ElectroRAT is its cross-platform compatibility – it works on macOS, Linux and Windows.

The advertisements for ElectroRAT's fake applications were often propagated on cryptocurrency-related forums and social media pages, therefore targeting the exact audience that the hackers are interested in. ElectroRAT is written in Google's Go language, which is often preferred by cybercriminals who wish to create multi-platform malware.

It is not abnormal for cybercriminals to target a specific group of people using advertisements and software tailored to their interests. It is vital to keep your software protected from such threats by using up-to-date applications software, as well as by being careful with the type of software you download from the Internet.
