Home Malware Programs Mac Malware EmPyre


Posted: April 15, 2020

EmPyre is a backdoor Trojan that was created in Python, and it is meant to work as a post-exploitation tool for OSX systems. The project's full source code is available on GitHub, and it does not come as a surprise that many cybercriminals have hijacked the EmPyre project to carry out threatening attacks. The first evidence of EmPyre being active in the wild dates back to January 2018 when it was used to install and activate the DarthMiner malware. Thanks to EmPyre, DarthMiner's operators were able to open a reverse shell on all infected hosts, and then feed them commands that would grant the DarthMiner persistence.

EmPyre is very feature-rich when you take into consideration the fact that it is only compatible with macOS (OSX), an operating system that is praised for its tight defenses, especially. Unfortunately, OSX is not as secure as you may assume, and there are tons of low-profile and high-profile cyber threats that are able to get around its defenses. EmPyre is just one of the backdoors that cannot be stopped with OSX's default security measures – it is recommended to invest in a trustworthy anti-malware product for Mac devices, as this is the best way to ensure the safety of your system.

If the EmPyre backdoor is planted on your OSX device, it is very likely that the attackers will opt to use it to introduce other malware, as well as modify your system's settings. However, EmPyre also can work as a stand-alone implant since it has a keylogger module that would allow the remote attacker to log keystrokes and regularly upload the logs to their server.

Protecting your OSX system from threats like this one can be done by following the best safe browsing security practices, as well as installing a reliable anti-virus software suite that will keep you safe for harmful files and connections.
