Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Extrabuttons.pw


Posted: February 21, 2020

Extrabuttons.pw is a website, which may display an inconspicuous prompt that asks you to click 'Allow' to view the content you were trying to access. This might sound like a harmless step to make, but, in reality, clicking 'Allow' on Extrabuttons.pw's prompt will permit this website to display browser notifications. This change is not a security concern, but it may have a negative impact on your Web browsing experience since Extrabuttons.pw's notifications will bother you regularly. These notifications may appear on any website you visit, and it is not uncommon to see them while using applications other than your Web browser.

The behavior that Extrabuttons.pw's notifications exhibit is typical for adware, but unlike adware, it does this automatically. Of course, you should not allow Extrabuttons.pw to continue to spawn notifications, and you should take the required steps to put an end to this browser-based tactic immediately. To revoke Extrabuttons.pw's permissions, you should open your browser's settings, find the 'Site Settings' section, and review Extrabuttons.pw's permissions.
