Home Malware Programs Adware ExtraMacDeal


Posted: September 5, 2014

Threat Metric

Threat Level: 8/10
Infected PCs: 89
First Seen: September 5, 2014
OS(es) Affected: Windows

ExtraMacDeal is an adware application that could conduct several actions that annoy computer users because they are not able to surf the internet without interruption. Usually the interruptions take place when ExtraMacDeal loads up random advertisements in pop-up or banner formats. Use of those ExtraMacDeal ads may cause redirects to other sites where the content could prove to be questionable or have unwanted offers of supposedly saving money through shopping on the internet. The ExtraMacDeal ads may be stopped by removal of ExtraMacDeal and its related extensions or files found within the affected system and its web browser applications.
