Home Malware Programs Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) FunnyDream


Posted: November 17, 2020

FunnyDream is an APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) group that looks to target systems located in Southeast Asia. Among the countries targeted by FunnyDream, Taiwan, Philippines, and Malaysia rank up at the top.

The actions of FunnyDream appear to be to attack government entities but recent findings reveal that FunnyDream hackers have compromised over 200 systems across the Southeast Asia region. In compromising such systems, it is believed that FunnyDream may have made away with sensitive data from pilfered documents on those targeted systems.

The cyber-espionage efforts of FunnyDream are highly targeted and may result in companies having their private data access or exposed in some ways if the FunnyDream hackers have their way.

History reveals that FunnyDream has been in action for a few years now, having a start in 2018 where they targeted mostly government agencies. In most cases for Chinese-sponsored APT attacks the hackers look to find and expose government information.

Those who guard and monitor systems around Southeast Asia are warned to take action to safeguard their systems, in addition to other computer users utilizing the proper antimalware resources to ward off attacks by FunnyDream.
