Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Gos.pathzone.net


Posted: May 19, 2014

    Gos.pathzone.net is a questionable update website that may be associated with adware and browser hijacker. Gos.pathzone.net may not operate properly, and may be created to show non-stop pop-up ads and messages on a PC stating that the computer user's software may be out of date and recommending him to download some program updates. Security threats related to Gos.pathzone.net may alter search results in any well-known search provider and continuously reroute PC users to Gos.pathzone.net and other similar websites that may be commercial. Upon installation on the PC, security infections pertaining to Gos.pathzone.net may insert an unwanted toolbar on the Web browser. Adware and browser hijackers linked to Gos.pathzone.net may also strive to deliver and display random pop-up advertisements and messages or the ones connected with the PC user's browsing habits on the computer system. These computer infections may also gather the PC user's browsing information in order to transfer and use it for the purpose of targeted marketing. After taking over the Web browser, browser hijackers and adware may substitute the default homepage and search provider with Gos.pathzone.net, or open it as a new tab page.