Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Handlemylife.info


Posted: July 22, 2020

Handlemylife.info is a fraudulent page that is likely to be shown in your Web browser via shady online advertisements. Once Handlemylife.info has loaded successfully, it will display a fake anti-robot check that supposedly can be completed by clicking 'Allow.' However, the Handlemylife.info instructions are fake, and following them will not help you complete any anti-robot check – the only thing that you will change is that you will allow Handlemylife.info to use browser notifications unknowingly.

Thanks to this change, Handlemylife.info will gain the ability to inject intrusive notifications whenever your browser is active. These notifications will not promote entertaining content – instead, they will focus on paid advertisements for content of all kinds.

If your browser is being flooded with notifications from Handlemylife.info or another unknown website, you should take the required steps to resolve the problem and end this behavior. This should be done through your browser's configuration menu.
