Home Malware Programs Adware 'Important: You have 19 Pending incoming email(s) in your spam inbox' Email Scam

'Important: You have 19 Pending incoming email(s) in your spam inbox' Email Scam

Posted: June 16, 2020

'Important: You have 19 Pending incoming email(s)' is the subject of an email that you might have seen if a recent phishing campaign has targeted you. The sheme email is sent out to users, warning them that some apparently important emails will be deleted due to a server error. All the users have to do to avoid that from happening is to update their email servers.
Clicking the link in the email, however, will redirect the user to a phishing website hosted by the Google API Cloud service.

The website masquerades as a login for the user's email account, but the information that is entered isn't used for verification purposes. It is, instead, sent to the bad actors behind the 'Important: You have 19 Pending incoming email(s)' scam.

The email contains some samples of the 'Quarantined email' that include subjects such as 'DHL Express Shipment 773017357361 Notification,' 'Re: SALES ORDER CONFIRMATION,' 'Re: Re: Contract' and 'Remittance Payment Advice for FOY.' The recipients of the email are warned that unless action is taken, their seemingly important documents will be deleted in four days.

Of course, these documents don't exist, and the whole idea is to get the users to the fake login page so that the fraudsters can harvest their login credentials. Login credentials for emails can be quite valuable, as most emails are usually connected to other accounts, such as banking accounts, social media, e-commerce, cloud storage, etc. This can lead to serious security issues, financial losses and even identity theft.
