Home Malware Programs Browser Hijackers Isearch.glarysoft.com


Posted: November 2, 2012

Isearch.glarysoft.com Screenshot 1Isearch.glarysoft.com is a subdomain of glarysoft.com, a website that promotes various system maintenance utilities. At this time, SpywareRemove.com malware experts are unable to either verify or debunk the promotional claims that Glary Soft makes on account of its products, but they have taken note of the consistent history of browser hijacks that have been used to promote Isearch.glarysoft.com's search functions. Redirects to Isearch.glarysoft.com tend to appear after you install Glary Soft programs and will remain intact even if you use normal methods to uninstall these programs. However, reputable anti-malware programs should experience little to no trouble in removing the cause of redirects to Isearch.glarysoft.com.

The Sharp Side of Glary Soft's Search Engine

Other than its attachment to a software website, Isearch.glarysoft.com doesn't look significantly different from any other smalltime search engine. Isearch.glarysoft.com's search results aren't more likely than those of any other site to cause direct harm to your computer. Installing Glary Utilities, Disk Speedup or other programs from Glary Soft may force your default homepage to be set to Isearch.glarysoft.com.

Unlike non-malicious programs, these programs will not reverse their browser changes even if you uninstall them by normal methods like the Windows Control Panel. While malware researchers recommend that you avoid installing Glary Soft-related programs to sidestep their browser-related issues, in cases where you do need to remove an Isearch.glarysoft.com-redirecting program, thorough anti-malware scans always should be used.

Why You Shouldn't Let Glary Tell Your Browser What to Do

Redirects to Isearch.glarysoft.com also may have other negative functions that can make your web-browsing experiences unsafe or interfere with accessing desired content. There's a high chance that some or all of the following problems being related to Isearch.glarysoft.com browser hijackers and other software:

  • Being unable to access or use certain websites (such as competing search sites or software vendors) due to redirects to Isearch.glarysoft.com.
  • Altered web content that includes inserted links for Isearch.glarysoft.com or other areas of the glarysoft.com website.
  • Browser security settings that are changed to create an increased danger of malicious content (drive-by-downloads, phishing attacks and related exploits) of being launched by your browser automatically.
  • Web browsers failing to respond accurately to your personal settings, such as your selected homepage URL, search engine URL, bookmarks or new tab preferences.

Browser hijackers of all stripes, including those that are packaged with Glary Soft programs, should be considered security risks. Although the dangers that they display, by themselves, are minor, SpywareRemove.com malware researchers discourage ignoring Isearch.glarysoft.com-related redirects rather than attending to them with security software.
