Home Malware Programs Adware JfileManager


Posted: October 3, 2014

Threat Metric

Ranking: 14,824
Threat Level: 1/10
Infected PCs: 3,063
First Seen: October 1, 2014
Last Seen: October 9, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

JfileManager is a file management program that sometimes bundles other, Potentially Unwanted Programs with its installer. Although this behavior justifies categorizing JfileManager, itself, as a PUP, malware experts have found no evidence of JfileManager launching pop-up advertisements, hijacking browsers or causing other issues typical to PUPs. However, removing JfileManager and software related to JfileManager is recommended, by default, and can be done most efficiently by using security tools proficient in the deletion of unwanted software.

JfileManager: a Manager of More than Your Files

JfileManager is freeware that provides image-cropping, uploading, media insertion and other, general functions that are useful with popular file formats. Unlike most PUPs, JfileManager does not have any history of including browser advertising modifications or other disadvantages inherent to its software. Sadly, malware researchers are forced to include JfileManager in the classification of generally-unwanted software as a consequence of its frequent bundling practices.

These bundles include JfileManager installers along with other software, such as browser toolbars, adware and browser hijackers. Symptoms of any of these products may include:

  • Having your search engine locked.
  • Being redirected to other sites randomly.
  • Seeing a frequent appearance of pop-up advertising content in unusual circumstances.
  • Finding text content automatically linked to advertising partners.

The bulk of these functions may provide security risks via serving as platforms for the distribution of additional PC threats, and malware researchers also find a high rate of correlation between them and poor browser performance.

JfileManager also is associated with the DomaIQ adware, which creates frequent pop-up advertisements automatically.

Toning Down the Manager that Comes with Advertisements Attached

Whether you choose to uninstall JfileManager or not, the decision is yours, but malware researchers typically advise against harboring free software that includes poor business practices, which includes distributing itself with adware. Advertising networks promoted by JfileManager's affiliates may be easy sources of contact with online hoaxes or phishing attacks. In some of the worst scenarios, threats also may be distributed through these advertisements, as was seen recently with the Pirate Bay's accidental distribution of advertisements with the Angler Exploit Kit).

Taking the above risks into account, removing JfileManager, and adware installed with JfileManager, should improve both the safety and the overall performance of your Web browser. However, some amount of personal judgment also comes into play, and, regardless of its drawbacks, JfileManager is not equivalent to threatening, intentionally toxic software, a la a backdoor Trojan or spyware program.

Most anti-adware solutions and products intended for removing PUPs should be capable of detecting and deleting JfileManager, with its associated software. Preferably, bundles containing JfileManager or its affiliates also should be identifiable prior to launch, which allows you to avoid the installation of unwanted software at all.

Technical Details

Registry Modifications

The following newly produced Registry Values are:

File name without pathJFileManager.lnkHKEY..\..\..\..{RegistryKeys}SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\DownQuick_RASAPI32SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\DownQuick_RASMANCSSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\JFileManager_RASAPI32SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\JFileManager_RASMANCSSOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\DownQuick_RASAPI32SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\DownQuick_RASMANCSSOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\JFileManager_RASAPI32SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\JFileManager_RASMANCSHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[APPLICATION]\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..{Uninstaller}JFileManager

Additional Information

The following directories were created: